Monday, November 21, 2011

Money Saving site!

Hello everyone! 
I know you are all busy getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner and I hope you all have a safe and wonderful day spent with family and remembering all we have to be thankful for.  And then, have a safe and money saving BLACK FRIDAY!!  Be careful not to get mobbed in the crowds!

While we are thinking about saving money, a friend sent me an invite to this site and I thought I would pass it on to you, my crafting friends!  Check it out, and use my link to sign up for money savings on craft supplies!   After all, who doesn't like to stretch those craft dollars a little farther!!!

Happy Scrappin! and thanks for stopping by my blog.  Please leave me some comments and feed my hungry fish!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Shopping has begun!

Hello friends!
My Christmas shopping has officially begun!  Yesterday I got a small start on it!  Now, to find a hiding place for the things I have picked up so far. 
I have to tell you all about my hungry little friends.  I have at least 3 squirrels who will come to my kitchen door and take an oatmeal cookie right out of my hand!  Now, I buy these cookies, just to feed to the squirrels, but I am surprised that now 3 will come right up to the door to get them.  The bad part is, if I don't see them out there, there is at least one who will actually climb up the door!!  And on up the screen, clear to the top of the door!  Is he looking in to see where the cookies are?  I have told Don to look outside before he opens that door, otherwise the little guys are liable to come on in to help themselves to the oatmeal cookies!  If I ever get a chance I will snap a pic of the little guy on the door before I chase him off of it.
I hope you are all having a great week!
Happy Scrappin!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winter is coming!

Yup, it's true, winter is right around the corner...or shall we say DOWN THE ROAD!  We have been having rain for a day or two now, and this morning there was even snow mixed in with it!  The kids loved it, and wanted to go out and play in it, but I explained to them it was too warm to stick around and was melting as it hit the ground.  Sure we will get snow soon enough for them to play in!!

Tomorrow is my son's birthday.  He'll be 31 this year....where has the time gone?  Happy Birthday tomorrow Josh!